Music Videos Below

  • Recorded seven songs for VEVO, Spotify, YouTube, and Apple Music, including four original tracks and three covers.

  • Provided numerous interviews in various Latin American countries for radio, television stations and magazines

  • Established and managed the groups social media platform to engage with the group’s followers.

Drivers License - Spanglish cover (by 4 Elements)

Song by Oliva Rodrigo - Spanish Lyrics Angelica Torres Music Production Raphy J @raphyj Director of Photography David Zamora @davyspace Production and Editing Angelica Torres @angelicabmt Drone: Anya Lastiri A BMT Production

Song by Bruno Mars, Anderson .Paak, Silk Sonic - Spanish Lyrics Lilian Garcia Music Production Raphy J @raphyj Voice Director: Lilian Garcia 4 Elements: Liam Marco, Sarah Marie, Arian and Alessa Director of Photography Jorge Blanco Editing Amed Medinilla Cruz Production Coordinator: Ernesto Cabrera A BMT Production With: Amanda Hernandez-Piloto, Katie Charlize Perez, Mia Prima, Sofia Blanco, Isabella Diaz, Ernie Cabrera, Ayden Gomez, Stefano Semararo and Anya Lastiri

Leave the Door Open - Spanglish

4 Elements - PUNTA CANA (Official Video)

Directed by: Angelica Torres Composers: Arian Cruz, Angelica Torres Arrangements: Camilo Valencia and Arian Cruz Drums and Percussion: Richard Bravo Guitar: Camilo Velandia Bass: Ralfy Valencia Music Mix: Alean Imbert Special guest: Juan Pablo Galán

Mi Corazon Late por Ti (English Version)

Directed by Angelica Torres DP: Angelica Torres and Jorge A. Solino Editor and Producer: Angelica Torres "Mi Corazon Late por Ti" Songwriter: Arian Cruz Lyrics: Angelica Torres and Arian Cruz Mix and Master: Raphy J Live Instruments: Caja del Ruido Estudio, Julio Ortiz Vocal Coach: Javier Castellanos Special Thanks to: Pops Restaurant @popsburgerkb Studio: @elferny Car: Ron Erbel Camilo Alvarado

4 Elements - BEST DAY OF OUR LIVES (Official Video)

Directed and produced by: Angelica Torres Lyrics and composition: Giselle Torres @giselleeetorres Music composition and mix: Raphy J @raphyj A BMT Production